1 Even more convenient was the loud open-air bar directly adjoining the clinic!
2 Also near the clinic was this bar which looked more like somebody's side yard
3 Two days later we made another attempt to find the mythical Spanishtown. Again the taxi dropped us at the yacht harbor. It was then we realized that the few businesses surrounding the harbor was about all there was. This building is one-stop shopping for the BVI Social Security Board, the local community college, and beauty supplies.
4 Chez Bamboo is the happening spot about a block down from the yacht harbor.
5 The only gas station we saw helpfully claims that is also the island's most reliable!
6 The locals definitely know how to pimp their rides
7 Across the street from the yacht harbor was the conveniently located Eureka Medical Clinic
8 One afternoon we took a taxi from the resort into Spanishtown. Apparently being misunderstood, we were dropped at the yacht harbor where it was possible to buy fuel and lubricants.
9 Now that we knew the yacht harbor was really "it", we scoured the neighborhood a little further. We found the Hot Spot Bar, conveniently located adjacent to the church school.
10 In keeping with the multi-personality theme of many of the businesses, we found it was possible to have your tires repaired while you were having sewage disposed of.
11 Keeping with the theme, almost everyone with a truck has converted it into a tourist transport vehicle to make money on the side. Most were not as flamboyant as the African Bride. Honestly, there did not seem to be enough tourists to keep them all in business.
12 Nearby was the only car dealer on the island, the Suzuki dealership. Not much more than 10 cars sitting under a tin roof in a muddy field.